Open Calls for Papers/Participation

VITA In the Press (selected)


  • Multi-purpose Real Haze Benchmark (A2I2-Haze) dataset [Webpage]
  • IEEE TPAMI'20 + ECCV'18, Privacy attributes in HMDB51 (PA-HMDB51) dataset [Webpage]
  • IJCV'20 + CVPR'19, Multi-Purpose Image Deraining (MPID) dataset [Webpage]
  • IEEE TIP'19, REalistic Single Image DEhazing (RESIDE) dataset [Webpage]
  • ACM MM'15, Adobe Visual Font Recognition (VFR) dataset [Webpage]



Other Softwares

  • Our three popular image enhancement algorithms: AOD-Net, EnlightenGAN, and DeblurGAN-V2, are included into the open-source GNU Image Manipulation Program toolbox (GIMP-ML), as deep-dehazing, enlighten, and deblur plugins
  • DeblurGAN- V2 is also implemented by Intel OpenVINO toolkit
  • DeepFont, an Adobe Photoshop built-in feature, as one of its leading contributors. [Official Photoshop Manual]
  • Distributed Machine Learning (DML) ToolBox, as part of Microsoft Prajna
  • Dehazing algorithms integrated in the Computer Vision Emergency Response (CVER) toolkit [by students Pritish Uplavikar and Ryan Wells] [Webpage]